Recently the new covers of 'An ember in the ashes' came out. I haven't read the books but I felt proud and represented seeing people of my skin color on the covers as hero of a famouse novel, especially after the incidents of Charlottesville.
We need to spread love, kindness and keep up with the name with which we have seperated ourselves from other living beings- Humans, and show humanity rather than spreading hatred on any basis be it skin color, relegion, beliefs, culture, sexuality or any thing which can divide us. No one can live peacefully if the society is divided, nor the attakers or oppressors- trying to think of ways to oppress; and neither the victims- always living in fear. In such a society it is only natural that even people not attacking or being at the receiving end won't be able to live in peace if the world, which should be a family as a whole, is dividing and fighting. There are differences or should I say 'diversity' in every society, in the world, but it is not important for these differences to become divisions!
Never before the incident of Charlottesville had I actually felt the need of representation in books but now I understand why it is important. Books, articles and media as a whole play a great role in shaping people's mindset about the diversities in the world and see them as a blessing, to know so many different cultures, rather than a burden trying to 'pollute' the existence of a single community.
I appreciate this step by Sabaa Tahir and feel loved and cared for that I and people like me also have a stand in this world where even the existence of humanity is in question now. To be honest, these cobers are okayish and better covers could've been made WITH PoC representation but the step us worth appreciation and means a lot.Many people may not like the covers but it is important to people like me and cAn make a difference.
Here are the new covers and I think I know what my next read is going to be:

Tell me your opinions on the new covers? On this step taken by Sabaa Tahir? What do you think of them?
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