HELLO *waves frantically* My exams ended a few days back and now DOBBY IS A FREE ELF! At last I have time to read and welcome to Avni doing a book tag! This is the first tag I was tagged to do and cAn yoU telL ThaT I aM eXcited?!?!?!
I was tagged by the wonderful @betweenthepages (Sarah) and you gotta check her out!
1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog2. Answer the ten questions asked on this post
3. Nominate at least five people to do it also
Q1) What are your top three book pet hates?
- I hate stickers on book covers. like why the hell do they put stickers?!
- Books which promote the wrong things or seem to be doing so to me or picture the wrong things as something right and acceptable.
- Stupid Riddles in books! I'll confess that once they are stupid I am able to find the answer and when the author reveals it I am the happiest person in the whole world but since I do not have any other thing so this is it. I do not loathe them though because of the little self motivation those idiotic riddles give me :)
A book (ofcourse) with coffee and the place gotta be comfy. I can't describe a comfy place it just is comfortable to read there. And there should be NO disturbance. I also like reading outside in my balcony with the natural lightning. It's Surreal.
Q3) Tell us three book confessions
- If I say I like a book doesn't mean I JUST like it. NO. It means that it is my baby and all the characters are my family and I know them personally and I am not present with you in this world so STOP BOTHERING ME REALITY.
- I don't know if it would count as one but I get on book reading bans, YES you read it right! BOOK READING BANS. Most people have book buying bans but Oh Well. My parents do not like my reading habit and are really skeptical that it will affect my marks so for them I do't read any books during my exams and it starts from like half a week before my exams till they end. BUTTT after that I just READ BOOKS ALL DAY EVERYDAY.
- I don't get to buy that many books. Since my parents are against my reading they don't allow me to buy that many books but that ain't stopping this girl from reading *smirks* I borrow books from my friends or the library or read them in as soft copy.
I cry A.LOT. while reading books and I mean A LOTTTT. i literally cry reading every other book idk what's wrong with me but I just do! you can't blame me either, It is the authors who are to blame! KILLING AND HURTING OUR BABIES! THAI SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!!! Well the book was 'Blue lily,lily blue' and though it was a Hilarious read throughout the frigging ending had me sobbing baaadly. also being the sjm trash that I am I would like to point out that 'A court of Wings and Ruin' and 'Empire of Storms' WILL KILL YOU AND YOU WILL DIE AND YOU WI; BE BOTH HAPPY AND SAD ABOUT IT! *remembers the incidents and oh is this girl crying now? not crying, ikts actually ugly crying :)*

Q5) How many books are on your bedside table?
I don't know, maybe 198376477364564 seems the right number :) like seriously, no kidding but that is the actual number and yeah also the school books added separately which are always haunting me :)
Q6) What is your favorite snack whilst you’re reading?
Chocolate biscuits, specifically hide n seek biscuits. with nutella.with cold coffee. *starts thinking about them and oh well can't concentrate now*

Q7) Name three books you’d recommend to everyone.
I'd skip listing the obvious AND first choices (they are ACOTAR and TOG and Harry Potter and Percy jackson series though)
- All the bright places by Jennifer Niven. I.LOVE.THAT.BOOK. AND YOU NEED TO READ IT NOWW
- The five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom. This is honestly a life changing book and is just enchanting. the ending is just amazing, infact the whole story is.
- The Kite Runner by khaled hoesseni. I will recommend ALL of his books as they ALL are just amazing and so realistic. they all just changed my life and are honestly THE BESTESTT.
- The Book thief by Markus zusak. THIS.IS.THE.BEST.BOOK.WRITTEN.IN.THE HISTORY.OF.MANKIND. *casually pretends there were only 3 books mentioned*
LOL I don't even have a bookshelf, I keep my books in a drawer and in my almirah and on my bed and just all places except a bookshelf because my parents won't buy me one. So yeah, i don't think I can share this one with you :)

Q9) Write how much books mean to you in 3 words.
EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. (it seems like I don't so anything else but I actually don't so yeah)
Q10) What’s your biggest reading secret?
I don't like finishing books. I am fast in the beginning but as I approach the end my pace just slows down. Not that my interest goes away but I just don't like finishing books, maybe because you know, it all ends after that.
Also earlier I used to read the least page of the book at first and then read whole book. It seems funny to me now as I recall that habit, but thankfully I have stopped doing it now.

Soo That's it for this tag. All of you feel free to do this tag if you wish. I am also tagging some lovely people to do this tag it they want to :) (Rules y'all)
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