Book name: Hungry Gods
Author: Richa Lakhera
Genre: fiction
Standalone/Series: Standalone
Publishing Date: July 15th 2018
My ratings:

Beaten and brutally raped, her body is never found. However, the killers make one mistake. They leave a witness, a witness who has nothing to live for except revenge. And when he crosses the boundaries of time to make the guilty pay, a whole lot of dark characters come to light. There is Valentine, the superstar brand ambassador who sells anything for a price; there is Medici, a pharmaceutical company fraudulently manufacturing banned drugs; there is the perverted and sinister minded Dr. Ranga, and there is Este, the prostitute whose dark secret will blow up a daughter’s sanity. So, is there another murder waiting to happen? Will Police Inspector Dorab Silva be able to connect the clues to prevent another crime? Will these gods of greed be exposed? And yes, you will be surprised by who you will find there, finally. Deeply unsettling, Hungry Gods takes a hard look at greed for wealth and power.
This book review is a part of "The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program and Blog Tours", for details log on to All thoughts and opinions are my own and unbiased.

It's a story that deals with today's reality and the author, having experience as a journalist did a commendable job at writing this book. There were multiple point of views in different chapters and sometimes the transition felt a bit harsh but otherwise the plot, theme, background and characters were very well written.
This book deals with topics like rape, child abuse and some scenes might disturb a person, that happened with me too. Some scenes were quite grim for me but I guess that's the harsh reality of today and it actually does happen. I would suggest this book if you are comfortable with reading about such dark topics as it can be unsettling too.
This book perfectly portrays the upper hand wealthy people have and to what extents people can go for money and dominance and makes one cynical about today's society.
The author has really bought out each character with the different point of views in the story and the first and third person narration was done amazingly for the most part.

The pace of the story is even and fits right in. I personally feel that it was a bold step on part of the author to write about such unsettling topics and things that happen that many of us couldn't have even thought of existed. It brings in all the corruption and darkness that exists in the lives of those associated with such tasks and it just feels horrible.
I would also like to talk about the book's cover. It looks so bold and gorgeous and ethnic and catches one's attention instantly, giving an idea that this story is not going to be a happy ride but a dark abyss where one looks for all the dots to get a whole picture in the end. The ending of the story was amazing and I just loved it.
I would recommend this book to you only if you are comfortable with reading about the dark topics mentioned and are looking for something to bring you back to earth, the reality of today. If you are looking for a mystery thriller, and that too based in India, then this book is definitely the one for you.

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